TAMMOTOR OY in Finland is now an official HM STORE CENTER!

TAMMOTOR OY in Finland is now an official HM STORE CENTER!

We are proud to announce that our long-term distributor, TAMMOTOR OY, is our new local assembly center in Finland!
Starting from January 2025, thanks to their expanded stock and local assembly capabilities, they will be able to supply aluminum coaxial and helical bevel gearboxes to the Finnish market with significantly reduced lead times.

HYDRO-MEC S.P.A., Viale della Tecnica, 19 36049 SOVIZZO (VI) ITALY, posta@pec.hydromec.com, CAP. SOC. 121.500 INT. VERSATO
Registro Imprese di Vicenza, Codice Fiscale 01268650247, P.I. IT01268650247 REA 156756

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